
Showing posts from January, 2008


After another 6" overnight dumping of snow, school was cancelled once again. I was actually up at 6AM shoveling the new snow and had come in to get ready for school when I noticed I had a couple phone messages. After eating breakfast, I decided to go out and do some more shoveling. When I got outside, I noticed 2 of my neighbors were having their roofs shoveled. One of my neighbors, George Gaylord has a flat roof, and he was getting help from Steve Croston. I offered my help thinking I would be doing the same thing on my house anyway. With 2+ feet of snow on most roofs any more coupled with any type of warming in the weather could cause some problems. So after we finished George's roof, I trucked over to my house and started shoveling/pushing furiously. By 10AM the temperature had risen considerably and my body was getting tired which made the snow seem heavier by the minute. By 3PM I had the roof shoveled, and had re-shoveled the 8 foot piles of snow on the ground away from t...


Today was a rare "Snow Day" at KSD391, so we took full advantage. At the end of the cul-de-sac was a mini-mountain from all the plowing that was perfect for some sledding. Little G attacked it with a lot of energy! It was a great day and a lot of fun. Enjoy the video!

Blog Slacker

Well, I was on a roll over Christmas Break, but once it was time to return to work, I have not even been able to muster a post per week. But it is not too late. One of the things I need to get past is my tendency to think that all blog posts must have a picture or graphic. So tonight I am getting a post up on the blog, and it really isn't about anything earth shattering or amazing, just a few thoughts. The weather has been downright bitter cold the entire week. We have been enjoying the fireplace in the basement. The wood heat reminds me of when I was growing up at 503 W. Mission and we had an antique wood stove in the kitchen. That thing was amazing. It was a small house, so the wood stove heated it extremely well. Gracie still continues to grow and learn new things. She still loves music and all the Disney Princesses, but lately she has developed a new interest, the KHS Girls' Basketball Team. She knows most of them by name and even has a few favorites already! The other nigh...

Christmas Break Recap

Here we are at the conclusion of another Christmas Break that has come and gone far to quickly. We have had a very blessed and busy time during our vacation. We did many things including traveling to Tacoma and back, attending basketball games, playing in the snow, and welcoming in the new year with family. One of my favorite memories of the entire break is watching Gracie open all the wonderful and thoughtful Christmas gifts she received from family and friends. She received many interesting gifts and appreciates them all. Everything from candy to clothes, to a princess tent that nearly takes up the entire play area of the family room! (pictures to come soon!) She also received movies, horses, and a princess carriage that plays music. (mom and dad really love that one!) Santa was good to the Millers this Christmas. But through all the gift exchanges, gatherings, fellowship, travel, goodies, and shopping, one thing remained constantly on our hearts: we celebrate Christmas because God g...

Another Year!

Well, here we are already 2 days into 2008. I can hardly believe it is 2008. It seems like the older I get the faster time flies by. I don't mean to use too many cliches or idioms, but it really feels like just a few days ago it was the 4th of July and we were enjoying the parade, a family bbq, and lots of cool fireworks. Or it seems like yesterday that we were enjoying the warm Autumn sun at the Apple Festival in Greenbluff. Where does the time go? Trick or treating, Thanksgiving... it all seems like it went at warp speed. In any case it is a simple reminder to not sweat the small things in life and enjoy each day to its fullest! We wish you a very happy, healthy and blessed 2008! Don't blink now or it will be Christmas again before we know it!


HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2008 Here we are ringing in the new year! Even Gracie stayed up and entertained! Here is wishing you all a happy and blessed 2008!