Mountain Mover... A Dad's Journey.

Last January (2013) my wife told me she wanted to adopt another child. I acknowledged passively, but nothing more. Days, weeks, and months went by, and aside from a comment or two about Amy's thoughts, prayers, and various book studies, a 3rd adoption was not something I was feeling led to, or wanted to pursue. I just wasn't feeling it. As days continued to pass, Amy began sharing with me, things she was being challenged by in her devotionals and bible study groups. There was no pressuring, no guilt trips, no begging. Just subtle verses and concepts that cut straight to the heart, focusing on letting go of comforts, pursuit of wealth, and taking a risk, for a much greater cause. Sure all these things were great, but why me? Why now? As far as I was concerned, we had our hands full enough with our 2 girls, including Gemma, who was struggling to adjust to her new life. Things were just starting to become "normal." Why in the world would we want to add another variable t...