
Showing posts from October, 2009

RIP Griffey

I just wanted to share some news with you all as I cannot form the words verbally without breaking down. As you all know our beloved Griffey has had a heart murmur since he was a puppy and up until a few months ago has done just fine. However the last few months Griff has struggled with some congestion in his lungs due to his heart condition. We have had him on medication since then. Labor Day weekend at Griffey's favorite place of all time, Griffey had a stroke after being his normal feisty self with Scott and Ruth's new puppy Maya. It was merely Griffey getting riled up like did with every other dog only this time it was more than his little heart could take. (Ruth and Scott know about his heart and know it was not Maya's fault in any way) Anyway as I sat there in the grass that summer evening with Griffey I felt it in my heart for the first time that the poor little guy couldn't go on like that. Additionally, I feared he was dying at that moment. His eyes were non re...