Another Year!

Well, here we are already 2 days into 2008. I can hardly believe it is 2008. It seems like the older I get the faster time flies by. I don't mean to use too many cliches or idioms, but it really feels like just a few days ago it was the 4th of July and we were enjoying the parade, a family bbq, and lots of cool fireworks.

Or it seems like yesterday that we were enjoying the warm Autumn sun at the Apple Festival in Greenbluff. Where does the time go? Trick or treating, Thanksgiving... it all seems like it went at warp speed.
In any case it is a simple reminder to not sweat the small things in life and enjoy each day to its fullest!

We wish you a very happy, healthy and blessed 2008! Don't blink now or it will be Christmas again before we know it!


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