
Showing posts from June, 2009

Happy Father's Day

I just wanted to wish a Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. I am blessed to be a father and I am also blessed to have (or have had) a wonderful father, grandfathers, and father-in-law. I am also friends with many who are great fathers. I also wanted to wish a special first Father's Day to my brother-in-law Scott. This Father's Day it is also on my mind to honor the wives (moms) and kids who give us the opportunity to be fathers. I love every moment of being a dad and all the challenges and rewards it brings. Without my wife and our precious Gracie, I wouldn't be a dad! One of my devotionals had some poignant thoughts about fatherhood, specifically "The role of a father changes as children grow, but it doesn't end. Praise and encouragement are welcomed whether a child is 4 or 40." (Our Daily Bread) Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.

What just happened?

Wow. June? Are you serious? I can't believe how fleeting time is. I'm sure a part of it is the fact that I am not getting any younger, but I also think that a significant factor is the information blitz that we face every day. Don't get me wrong, I love technology. I love email, Twitter, Facebook, sms, pix, flix, and blogs and how all of them allow us to communicate and stay connected with friends and loved ones (or total strangers!). But I also think this blur of information traveling at the speed of light also makes time fly by even faster. I find myself getting emotional frequently (imagine that) just thinking about how much our precious little Gracie has grown since September and her first day of pre-school with "Miss Diane." In those moments I often have these thoughts that I wish I could blog or write about, but by the time I get some quiet computer time I forget to do it. I hope to have a better way to keep on top of this... maybe use some technology? One ...