
Showing posts from May, 2013

My Hometown

Today, the 18th of May is Saturday. Additionally it is the day of the Annual Elks Roundup Parade. It's a rite of Spring in Kellogg, and rain or shine, it is a signal that Summer is right around the corner. Today I, and a few of my golfers got to ride on a firetruck to celebrate and recognize our recent State 3A Championship, Kaceelyn Pouttu's 4th consecutive Individual Title, and our boys had a pretty successful season too. I'd like to thank the Fire Dept. and Chief Dale Costa for letting our teams ride on a firetruck in the parade. We were honored to get to do that. Nonetheless, the whole parade experience, as well as walking through uptown Kellogg before and after the parade, really got me thinking.  Now, before I start, I need to establish a few things. I'm not judging anyone in this post, but merely making some observations. I have friends and family all over Kellogg and the Silver Valley. Ultimately I realize that behind every situation is a person or group ...