
Showing posts from October, 2010

Grandma Dee Day

Along with all the "normal" emotions associated with parenthood, Amy and I were presented with an entire subset of feelings in 2004 when we became parents, because of some minor details such as traveling across the globe to get our little girl, or having to adjust on the fly to having a 10 month old in the blink of an eye. September and October always invoke a stronger form of these emotions and memories because it was this time of the year when our lives changed forever. (for the better!) "Free time." It is something we truly take for granted until we don't have much of it and we then realize how much we actually had before. Anyway, one particular thing I remember was how instantly should I say abruptly Amy and I became aware of how much "free time" we had before Gracie came into our lives. The first few weeks after we returned from China with our little girl we commented about how little time we had but we quickly realized this was due to all the...

1 Year Ago Today

I spent today with some general errands and chores, like I would any other relaxing Autumn Saturday. The colors are just starting to pop everywhere you look and the air just smells like Fall. It was a productive day that included some fireplace modification for installation of a new electric fireplace as well as fixing my Grandpa's email and paying him (and my Grandma Perry) a visit. Conversely, one year ago today, wasn't such a typical Fall day. It was one of toughest days I've ever experienced as I had to take our beloved dog Griffey to the vet to be put to sleep. Griffey lived a very full life and was a great dog. I can still feel him in my arms peacefully going to sleep for the last time. The weight of his body as he drew his last breath was something I will never forget. One year later time has helped our heavy hearts, but still miss our Griffey greatly and think of him often. I just wanted to post today in honor of Grif.