Happy Gotcha Day, Gemma Lu!

2 years ago today, we met this little girl for the first time.

Except she wasn't this little--she had spent the first 4 years of her life in a Children's Welfare Institute. 

This CWI--her home. The other children and nannies--her family.

We knew she would be scared to be taken away from her home and family to join ours on that day 2 years ago.

And she was. Very scared.

Yet in the midst of her grief, within a few short hours, we saw the Lord knitting us together as a family.

We saw the Lord bring beauty from ashes and joy from mourning.
From a fearful little girl to one who says "I lub you, mom" multiple times a day.
From a scared little girl to one who loves playing with her sister.
From a grieving little girl to one who likes to show off her silly tricks.

We are so thankful the Lord chose Gemma to be part of our family.
Our lives were/are transformed because of this little girl.
We can't wait to see what God has planned for her.

Thank you, Lord, for Gemma Lu!

Happy Gotcha Day, Gemma Lu!!!!

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." --John 14:18

You can read the original Gotcha Day post here.


Wonderful post! We, too, are so thankful to have Gemma in your lives and ours as well! Thank you Lord!
G and G Peterson
quilt'n-mama said…
We love you too Sweet girl and are so thankful for the redemptive story of your life. I am thankful that Clara and I got to meet you and spend those early days in China with you and your family!

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