Happy Birthday, Gemma!

Gemma Lu turned 5 years old on May 11. She was SO EXCITED for this birthday. We had a few other family functions (which involved cake and/or ice cream) prior to her birthday, and she always thought it was her birthday. FINALLY, it was. She had a great time! We had a "Cars" theme, which she picked out. (I asked the balloon store if they had any "Cars" balloons. They said, "No. What else does your little boy like?" LOL) She surprised me by being very methodical in opening her gifts. She didn't want to rip the paper, and she looked at every gift very thoroughly. It was cute.

Gemma picked the cake!
Singing "Happy Birthday"
Blow out the candles!
Trying not to rip the wrapping paper.

Sharing a gift with cousin Owen.


Ruth Ross said…
LOVE IT that she loves CARS!! If i was a little girl again I would love CARS too!! :) Love you Gemma girl! Thanks for being such a great friend and cousin to Owen.
quilt'n-mama said…
May has been so busy but I am finally catching up! Happy Birthday Gemma!
I didn't realize her birthday was in May- Clara's was May 7th!
I love the cake!
Sending you guys hugs!
Vicky said…
Happy Belated Birthday to Gemma! I love her theme choice!

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