4 months--what a transformation!!!!!

Gotcha Day was 4 months ago today. It was a rough day. Not gonna lie. Simon and I both expressed recently that we had some grave doubts about Gemma's transition into our family because of how hard that day was. We were in it for the long haul no matter what--we just had fears that her attachment would be HARD.

But I underestimated God's power and the prayers of His people. He was at work in Gemma--and in us--the second we met. Even before. And slowly, but surely...

Gemma started to warm up to us; come out of her shell; trust us. If I had known how WELL she would be doing just 4 short months in our family, I could have lived through A HUNDRED Gotcha Days. Thank you, Jesus!

This smiling, funny, precious little girl is just a beautiful flower--opening more and more each day. God is so good. All.the.time.


Jen said…
She is absolutely beautiful!!!:) So glad she's doing so well!
Vicky said…
What a sweet testimony of God's love!
Martha said…
Beautiful Gemma....can't wait to see you next week!!
quilt'n-mama said…
Rejoicing with you over God's amazing love for your sweet Gemma and the last 4 months. I am so thankful that the Lord worked out the details so our girls' adoption stories will always be interlinked!
I hoe it is ok, added a little link to your post on by post:)

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