Gemma--Day 4

We hit a bit of a wall last night--Gemma refused to sleep in her crib. In fact, she climbed out of it. And she refused to sleep with Gracie or on the floor. Every time I motioned to her to sleep somewhere, she shook her head. I finally got her on my bed with me, but she refused to lay herself down. I kept tapping the pillow and she kept shaking her head, "no." I'm wondering if bedtime is her sad time...perhaps that's when she starts thinking about what she left behind; she's not busy or distracted at bedtime by all that's going on around her, so maybe that's when she thinks. Anyway, she refused to lie down, so I just lay there by her. I could tell she was getting tired. Soon, she leaned back on both elbows, facing the opposite direction on the bed. Then her eyelids drooped and finally slammed shut, and she just kind fell to the bed and went right to sleep. So I just moved her from the edge and wrapped the comforter over her and she slept there all night. Poor Simon slept on the tiny sofa in the other room. He's a good daddy! (We bought a swim air mattress in case he needs to sleep on it tonight.)

So, I thought she slept well all night, but alas, she woke up with a cold. Poor baby...sneezing all day and a runny nose. But I have to say, she was SUCH a good sick girl today! Just like jie jie Gracie, who has ALWAYS been a good sick girl. We had to find a pharmacy to get her some medicine, because the stuff I brought from home is for age 6 and up. Silly me.

Despite Gemma being under the weather, we still had an outing this morning. We went to the GZ Folk Art Museum and a park that had a little amusement park and playground inside it. The girls did NOT like the museum, but they LOVED the park. Gemma got a little pep in her step at the park. She tried a lot of the playground equipment and a couple of the rides. It seems to us, though again, we're not early childhood experts or anything, but it seems to us that Gemma's delay might be physical. She seems a bit wobbly and/or off balance when she walks sometimes, and she appears to not have much muscle tone. However, this does not surprise us at all. She probably rarely got physical, muscle-building exercise at the orphanage. It could also be nutritional. I know the orphanage does its best to nourish the children. However, there could be some deficiencies in her diet. Hopefully with a steady diet and playtime at home she will be able to "catch up."

We're still nervous about taking her back to the orphanage tomorrow. It will be middle of the night back home, but if you could please remember us in your prayers, we would greatly appreciate it!! It's a 2-hour drive to the CWI (children's welfare institute)--each way! UGGHH! Gracie and I also don't do well when carsickness is concerned. Anyway, we need your prayers all the way around us tomorrow, please. And thank you so much!!

Gemma's unconventional sleeping pose last night

The Millers 4 at the Guangzhou Folk Art Museum

Gracie's "gone fishing" at the park!

The girls ride the pink giraffe.

Riding the Flying Saucers (thank goodness I wore shorts under my dress!!)

HILARIOUS sign. Must read!!

Playground equipment

The Miller family by the Elephant family

Silly baba!

Both girls are now "gone fishing"!

Playing with flashcards. The cards are in English and Chinese with pronunciation guides for the Chinese. We could tell she was saying what some of the items are. :)

The girls check out the hotel playroom.

At the Trust-Mart, aka Chinese Walmart...check out the brand, Walmart lovers!

Playing with new (cheap) toys


MotherOfTwo said…
We are doing our z fast today, amy, so I will make sure to pray for peace and calm over Gemma tomorrow at z. i will pray for the Lord to heal her cold. she doesn't need such an annoyance right now.
Vicky said…
Keeping Gemma in my prayers as she visits Z, also that the other family members won't be sick as they travel to and from Z!
Adrian Roberta said…
Where did you get those large flash cards?
Gretchen said…
Praying as you visit Z in a little while. Hoping Gemma does well there.

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