Gladdie--Day 5--Lions & Tigers & T-Rexes... oh my!

After the "Dryer Adventure," we were ready for some breakfast, and a trip to the Safari, Gotcha Day outfit freshly washed, multiple times! But first, some Garden Hotel breakfast, and some koi viewing and feeding. This hotel is so cool. You can find many more photos of the Safari here in this album!

Next we boarded our van, and headed for the Guangzhou Chimelong Safari Park which is supposed to be really cool (and boy was it!). We got directions and times from our guide Lucia and made our way to the park. This place is huge! We had a little bit of an idea of what to do, but we had no idea how expansive this place was. Unreal.

We started off with a "Safari On Wheels" which was a guided trip through part of the park, with amazing views of so many animals! Aside from me not being able to fold our borrowed stroller for the ride, the views were spectacular! Because I was holding an upside down fully expanded stroller, Amy had to take the camera. But it was so cute to see Gladdie insist in taking some of the pictures, with Amy's help, of course.

Next, we set out on foot to find the Panda exhibit. But it was a tad farther than we anticipated. Along the way we saw may more exotic animals and displays, including a Giraffe exhibit where you could feed them branches! We also got to see the Koalas.  So cool!

Finally we arrived at the Panda exhibit and it did not disappoint. The girls loved all the views as well as the panda baby triplets!

We next decided to check out a few more exhibits on our way "back" to the North parking lot where we began the day, what we didn't anticipate was that once you start down a path, there are zero exits back to the main patch. So we went on a super cool dinosaur exhibit (albeit much to scary for some), followed by lemurs, monkeys, and much much more. The Gs were all troopers, and the only negative, was that we ran out of time and Gracie Faye didn't get to spend as much time looking at snakes as she wished. Sorry Gracie. Maybe nex.... nevermind.

All in all the day was long, very long, but full and memorable. Our brave little spitfire, Gladdie Mae didn't shed a tear, for the 2nd day in a row. We ended the day with a fun dinner, and ice cream for dessert.

Thank God for that healing, and we hope for more to come in the next few days. Maybe even a change of wardrobe!


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