Orphans No Longer

November 3 was Orphan Sunday. We asked our pastor if we could share the news about our current adoption as well as some information about the worldwide orphan crisis. Simon made a slideshow for us to share with our church. It is beautiful.

You can see it here.

Another video that circulated during the days prior to Orphan Sunday was this one. It broke my heart. I can't stand thinking of children who are hopeless. Watch it and be wrecked for these orphans.

A third video that touched my heart was this one. Children should not have to feel "worthy" of being adopted. No child should EVER have to feel that way. The translator who breaks down at the end...that's how we ALL should feel about these precious orphans waiting for families. Some of them will never know the love of a family.

Lord Jesus, please break our hearts for what breaks yours.


quilt'n-mama said…
The video made me cry!
Praying for your family friends!

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