The "Gotcha Day" That Made Us Parents

In a crowded city in the middle of China, on a steaming hot September day in 2004, we met the daughter that God had chosen for us to adopt for the very first time. (The joke is that all the dads in the group, even though they had let the moms go up in the only working elevator to see the babies first, actually got to see the babies first because the babies came later than expected, and all the moms were already upstairs waiting for them.)

Before we even knew her or saw her picture, we loved her. But these photos sealed the deal!

Her name was written upon our hearts the day we first saw her picture.

Her name was sealed upon our hearts the moment we first saw her in person. Oh what joy!

Words cannot express, Gracie Faye, what a privilege, what a joy, what a marvel it is being your parents! God has indeed "set the lonely in families" and "turned mourning into dancing."

Happy Gotcha Day, Gracie Faye! We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west." Isaiah 43:5


Happy Gotcha Day Dear Gracie! We love you!
With Much Love,
G and G Peterson
quilt'n-mama said…
Happy forever family day sweet girl! You are so loved! I'm so glad I got to meet you:) Hope you had an awesome day!

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