My Wife

Today is a special day. It is my beautiful wife's birthday. She doesn't want much pomp and circumstance, but she very much deserves it.

There are no words to explain how blessed I am to be married to Amy. From the moment I met her, I've known she is a gift to me from God. To some, that may sound corny, or even far fetched, but it is very much the truth.

I've always known that she is an amazing wife.

And an awesome mom.

Her Faith and her passion to care for our daughters is nothing short of amazing.

And her heart for orphans is indescribably inspirational!

But the more of Amy God reveals to me, the more AMAZED I am.
She's faithful.
And beautiful.
And loving.
And warm.
And thoughtful.
And organized.
And devoted.
And full of compassion.
And if you take the time to get to know her,
you'll know that she's an amazing person, inside and out.

Not only is she willing to take on the challenge of teaching full time--
which is sometimes thankless and challenging, by the way.

But she's also willing and dedicated to being an amazing Wife and Mom.
Which also takes sacrifices... over and over.

This woman.
Oh, how I love her!

Happy Birthday Amy Faye. ILY


Unknown said…
Happy Birthday Amy!!
quilt'n-mama said…
Happy birthday Amy! Hope you had a wonderful. I am thankful that God crossed our paths.
Unknown said…
I love when men blog about their wives. More men need to take blogs hostage and do this sort of thing. Seriously.

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