October Events

October was a fun and busy month for the Millers. 2 birthdays and Halloween, not to mention pumpkin carving and other Autumn activities. Here's a slice of our October life, 2012.

Happy birthday to the man of my dreams!

Gemma helps stencil her pumpkin.

Hello Kitty!



Time for Gracie's birthday party with friends--Hula style.

The hula girl.

Pin the coconut on the coconut tree.

Sand art bracelets for Gracie and her friends.
My 9-year-old on her real birthday. (Breakfast burrito was her special request.)

The Hula Girl and the Butterfly go trick-or-treating.


quilt'n-mama said…
I posted the curry recipes for you:)

Looks like October was awesome!

Happy belated birthday Gracie & Simon!

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