Happy Gotcha Day, Gemma Lu!!!!

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west."
Isaiah 43:5

It was one year ago today that we met Zhong San Hui for the first time. What a day that was!! The poor little 4-year-old was scared out of her wits. We do not have any pictures of our meeting because we do not ever want Gemma to be embarrassed by her reaction to us--which was PERFECTLY NORMAL and UNDERSTANDABLE. She was scared. And who wouldn't be?? There we were--complete strangers who looked, smelled, talked, acted, and behaved differently than anyone she had ever encountered. And she was expected to go willingly with us? Away from the only "family" she had ever known? No wonder the poor thing was scared! But thankfully, a loving God, who knew her fear (and ours!) even before we were created, made a way for us to mesh into a family of 4. God is still knitting us together--I believe he will be for the rest of our natural lives--but it's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. to look back on that day, and then to see Gemma today. What an amazing God we have! What an amazing little girl, Gemma is!

We just had our 12-month post placement visit, and we had to provide pictures that try to capture Gemma's life as a Miller. These are some we chose, followed by a few from that day, one year ago.

We love you Gemma Lu! And we can't imagine our lives without you!!!

First family-of-4 portrait

First time to the ocean--Cannon Beach, OR

First time coloring Easter eggs

First time celebrating mom's birthday

First time celebrating Father's Day

First s'more at the lake
First golf tournament


Dear Gemma,
A Happy and Blessed Gotcha Day to you! What a wonderful that day was! We are thrilled that you are in our family! We love you so much and so enjoy being with you and watching you grow. We love you so much!! God's richest blessings to you!!
Grandpa and Grandma Peterson
quilt'n-mama said…
Sweet Gemma,
I am amazed at the story God is writing for you and so thankful that we are a tiny part of it. We have loved watching you grow and experience so many new things from afar this year!
We love you,
gayly for our crew
Vicky said…
I remember following your journey as if it was yesterday! What a sweet blessing to celebrate 1 year together!

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