I took the plunge

Well, I never thought I'd be the one to do this.
I bet most of the people I know never thought I'd be the one to do this, too. But I did.
I think I'm shifting some people's paradigms.

I decided to commemorate my 40th birthday in a special way.
A very special way.
Not only did I get a tattoo, but I got a very special tattoo.

I got the "China Love" tattoo...for obvious reasons.

Two of the greatest loves of my life were born in China.
And while they were not born of my body, they were born of my heart.
Therefore, China is very special to me.

Two of its most precious treasures are my daughters...born in my heart of a loving Father.
Born in my heart as a perfect gift from above.


Tammy said…
seriously a good cry before ....sniff....sniff...BEAUTIFUL


Tammy said…
oops Happy bd

quilt'n-mama said…
Happy birthday! Mine is 2 weeks away, I must admit... no tattoo here... I am WAY too wimpy:)
I love it though.

Hope you guys are doing well, we think of you each night when CLara snuggles down with her lovey lamb:)

Empowered to COnnect was amazing... oh how I wish I had heard it all years ago, but good news is that we can still start now:)

tell your family hello!
Happy Birthday! That's quite a brave step - I love the "funk" aspect of getting one but the "wimp" factor is so much stronger :) It's beautiful.
Gretchen said…
LOVE IT!!!! Great tat!
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