Three Christmases, two amphibians, and one Happy New Year!

Christmas #1 begins early on Christmas morning at Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's house.

Amy's Grandma Lundberg met Gemma for the first time.

Great Grandma and all the kids sang "Jingle Bells" together. It was heartwarming!
Gemma "won" these glasses in the annual Peterson Christmas Bingo game.
Simon's cousin--Christian Duhamel--played multiple roles in Seattle Children's Theatre's production of A Year With Frog and Toad. He graciously invited us to be his guests, and the girls LOVED it!

Christmas #2 occurred at Grandma Dee's house in Kellogg on Dec. 29.

Christmas #3 happened on Dec. 31, at Great Grandma Perry's and Great Grandpa Jim's house in Kellogg. We also celebrated 2012 there.

The whole gang

My beauties
2011 was a blessed--albeit a whirlwind!--year. The biggest change was adding our precious Gemma to the family. God is so good! We are reminded every day how His plan for our lives is perfect, and how He handpicked Gemma for us, and us for Gemma. We hope your 2012 is a year filled with God's promises for your life! God bless you!


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