Busy October

Half of our family--Simon and Gracie--have birthdays in October. Add to that pumpkin carving and trick-or-treating, and October is a BUSY month for the Millers. Simon turned the big 4-0 this year. I gotta say...he's still got it!!! ♥♥ Gracie turned 8...I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around that one. Anyway, she got to have 2 parties this year...one with her friends, and another with family. She enjoyed herself! The girls also had fun trick-or-treating with their cousin, Owen, this year. Gracie dressed up as a fairy and Gemma as a cat. Owen was Thomas the train. It was fun! Gemma wasn't quite sure what was going on at first, and by the end of the night she was so tuckered that we had to carry her to the last few houses, but as soon as she saw the candy going into her pumpkin bucket, she was on board!


quilt'n-mama said…
Looks like a busy month.
Happy belated birthdays!

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