We made it!

Sugar lips! Enjoying the hotel breakfast buffet.
Our hotel.
Bye bye USA!

We don't have a lot to report at this point. Just that we made it to China safely after a long, long, LONG and cramped flight. It wasn't horrible...just not something we want to do again any time soon...like for at least 3 weeks. Haha!


Vicky said…
Wow, I didn't realize you were traveling that soon! So happy you are there safe and sound. When is your gotcha day? I know you must be so happy and excited!
Roseann D said…
hey, can't be worse than a 15 hr flight with a 10 month old who is very mistrustful of you! How is Gracie holding up? I keep thinking back to that short flight where all our babies cried! Wish we were with you!
Sandra said…
Oh I'm so excited to follow this journey! I hope to be following in your footsteps in the next few months!

Pam keenan said…
So happy that you will soon have your beautiful daughter in your arms. Praying for your family during your journey.

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