Quick Update--HOME

We arrived in Seattle Friday morning to a host of family cheering and waving American flags for Gemma (who became a US citizen the second the plane touched down on US soil). Our flights were uneventful, and the girls did really well. We stayed at my parents' in Tacoma Fri and Sat, hoping to get a little rest. It didn't quite work out that way. But on Sunday, we decided to drive home anyway. Simon was awake enough to make the drive; the girls and I slept most of the 6+ hours.

It seems as though Gemma can only sleep 4 hours at night. Her poor system is so messed up! Please pray for her--and us--that we'll all be able to get back into a schedule that works. She was such a good sleeper in China; I hope she can be here, too, once she gets into a good rhythm.

I will try to post pictures another time. Right now I'm just trying to get caught up--sleep, laundry, grocery shopping, bill paying, etc.


Vicky said…
It's nice to know that you made it home. Praying for sure about Gemma's sleep schedule!
MotherOfTwo said…
I think once Gemma settles in she will sleep like a log! That's my prayer, and I'm sticking to it!
Adrian Roberta said…
Welcome home Sweet Gemma!!!
Judy Deaton said…
Welcome home! We will pray for you, and for Gemma to be able to sleep. It was so fun to follow your blog:) keep us posted on progress.
Anonymous said…
So happy to hear you are home safe and sound! I've enjoyed following along on your journey!
Dawnelle (from Z group)
quilt'n-mama said…
Glad you are home. Gemma and CLara must be on the same schedule, ugh. It has been rough, hoping tonight goes better but now I'm the one not sleeping!
I'll catch up with you soon!

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