Pearl River Cruise

I don't have a ton to say tonight, but I will post some pics. Gemma continues to do well. She is talking a lot and saying more and more English words. Today, her new words were "oh, yeah!" She is also getting a little clingier with us. She will let Simon hold her more and more, and she asks to get on my lap and for me to hold her a lot. She even gave me my first kiss on the lips today. And she made the accompanying smacking sound with her lips. So cute. ;)

A bittersweet moment today: we were on a cruise boat on the Pearl River and Gracie tells us, "I can't wait until we're home again." Then she says to me, "I kind of miss the 3 of us." :*(
I know things will take some time getting used to. Hopefully when we get home, G will feel more comfortable in her own surroundings and will learn to love her little sister.

Playground at our hotel

Ah, a little help, here?

Waiting for our cruise

On the boat

The beautiful lights of Guangzhou from the Pearl River

A "magic" show


Roseann D said…
Wow! What beautiful pics! Tell G that Meghan sympathizes with is hard to go from being the #1 child to sharing your parents with a new, attention demanding little sister. Make sure G gets playdates with her friends when you get home, and don't require that they do EVERTHING together. Make sure she gets alone time with Mom and Dad. You guys are creating a whole new family, and we send our love and prayers!
Gretchen said…
Loved the pics. Sad by what Big Sister said. It will all be ok. Home does wonders for everyone.
Adrian Roberta said…
So wish we had taken that cruise! Beautiful!

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