Last Day in Beijing--First Day in Guangzhou (GZ)

We received some photos of Gemma today. We sent her a "Happy Family Celebration" cake to her orphanage. She had a little party where she shared the cake with her friends. DARLING!!

P.S. We received an update from our GZ guide on Gemma's skin condition--it appears all of the "bumps" on her face are drying up and healing. :)

Meanwhile, back in Beijing...
Today was a transition day for us--leaving Beijing and arriving in GZ. Gracie powered up with a breakfast of: 2 eggs, over easy; 2 strips of "soft" bacon; 2 pancakes with butter and syrup; a chocolate muffin; and grape juice. Whew!

Daddy and his oldest daughter. :)

Saying goodbye to our Beijing guide--Miranda. She was wonderful!

No Starbucks in sight? Never fear! Chinese mocha to the rescue!

These are some views of our hotel--The Garden--in GZ. AMAZING!!

Climbing the Great Wall--awe-inspiring. Visiting Tiananmen Square--incredible. Seeing the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace--beautiful. Traveling 6,000 miles for Mcdonald's chicken nuggets and fries in GZ? PRICELESS!!!!!

Oh, yes. And in case you were wondering, Simon DID get his Starbucks fix...within steps of our hotel lobby. :)

Another funny sign...

Gracie cannot wait to jump in!

We will meet Gemma on Monday, Aug. 15. We're getting pretty excited!! Please keep praying for us, and especially Gemma. Thank you!!


Vicky said…
What no lamb? A wonderful trip with a few of the comforts from home, I'm sure very welcomed! Especially the Starbucks! Praying for your gotcha day! I pray all goes well and that Gemma is not too scared and that she bonds quickly!
Anonymous said…
I am loving following along your journey. Our little guy is in a couple of the party pics with your Gemma!!! :)
Looking foward to seeing more updates of journey!
Dawnelle (from Z yahoo group)
Adrian Roberta said…
Praying for sweet Gemma!
MotherOfTwo said…
It's fun to see pics of all the children together. They really are like family to one another.
I am praying! Especially for Gemma!
Stephanie said…
Wow the Garden's looks amazing! Glad you're in GZ. Such sweet photos of Gemma. Can't wait to see her with her FAMILY! Praying for you guys. Also I'm echoing Vicky...What no Lambie?
Martha said…
Wow!! Glad you arrived safely and are doing well. :) So excited for tomorrow! I know the Lord has been preparing Gemma's heart, too. Fear not. Love you!

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