1 Year Ago Today

I spent today with some general errands and chores, like I would any other relaxing Autumn Saturday. The colors are just starting to pop everywhere you look and the air just smells like Fall. It was a productive day that included some fireplace modification for installation of a new electric fireplace as well as fixing my Grandpa's email and paying him (and my Grandma Perry) a visit. Conversely, one year ago today, wasn't such a typical Fall day. It was one of toughest days I've ever experienced as I had to take our beloved dog Griffey to the vet to be put to sleep. Griffey lived a very full life and was a great dog. I can still feel him in my arms peacefully going to sleep for the last time. The weight of his body as he drew his last breath was something I will never forget. One year later time has helped our heavy hearts, but still miss our Griffey greatly and think of him often. I just wanted to post today in honor of Grif. 


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