What just happened?

Wow. June? Are you serious? I can't believe how fleeting time is. I'm sure a part of it is the fact that I am not getting any younger, but I also think that a significant factor is the information blitz that we face every day. Don't get me wrong, I love technology. I love email, Twitter, Facebook, sms, pix, flix, and blogs and how all of them allow us to communicate and stay connected with friends and loved ones (or total strangers!). But I also think this blur of information traveling at the speed of light also makes time fly by even faster.

I find myself getting emotional frequently (imagine that) just thinking about how much our precious little Gracie has grown since September and her first day of pre-school with "Miss Diane." In those moments I often have these thoughts that I wish I could blog or write about, but by the time I get some quiet computer time I forget to do it. I hope to have a better way to keep on top of this... maybe use some technology?

One of my favorite parts of technology recently is the Podcast. I have been using my Nike Plus kit for my iPod for about a year now, thanks to Topher Fulton giving me his old one. It has changed the way I look at running. It is fun and challenging again. In addition to keeping track of all my mileage and pace, it also allows me to listen to music or podcasts while I run. I started off listening to music, almost exclusively, but I quickly transitioned to Podcasts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podcasting

One of my favorite podcasts is, Taproot Sermon Audio, a weekly recording of Taproot Church in Burien Washington. The pastor is a friend I met in a roundabout way. (maybe another blog post topic!) Anyway, I have listened to every sermon since Pastor Danny Braga arrived in Burien from Idaho and feel as though I am a part of that church in many ways. I have been touched and impacted in more ways than I can describe. Pretty awesome to think of how God can use even technology to reach others. http://taprootchurch.org/podcast

So for now I'll leave this post at that. I've got to find that balance between too long, and a tweet (or a twit, as my wife would say). Hopefully I can come up with a method to jot down my thoughts enough to remember them for blog posts. Ideally this will become a regular occurrence. For now, I'll sign off, I've got to go "twit" for a bit.


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