
I got a letter today from some dear friends, Doris and Art Fleming. Doris asked me when I was going to post more updates on my blog. I have been so consumed with work, golf, church podcasts, worship practices, and family that I have really slacked off (again) the blog posts. So this mini-post is for Doris. We miss you two so much but are so wonderfully blessed by your faithfulness and your latest journey! Anyway, I am now actually using my Twitter account, so all you Tweeters out there, here is my url:

We just returned from the State 3A Golf tournament. I'll write about that in another post. :-)


Doris said…
Thanks, Simon, for the update. I love knowing how you guys are doing and what you are up to. By the way - what's a "twitter"? or is it too technical for me? I'm guessin' it's not a tweety bird.....
Simon Miller said…

A Twitter is a way to send short brief updates as to your thoughts or just what you are doing at the moment. Here is a link:

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