First Day of Pre-School

Little G started Pre-School today at Miss Diane's Little Learners Pre-School. Here is the traditional "First Day" photo op on the porch of 2 Engdahl. It was a big day for G as well as for Mom and Dad. Dad actually made it the entire time without crying believe it or not! Gracie became a bit worried when Mom and Dad left, while some of the other parents stayed to take a few more pictures, but Miss Diane said that G shook it off and had a great 1st day! Dad, however, cried on his way back to work. (there's a shock!)
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Jean and Scott said…
Oh my gosh! Gracie is such a big girl going to preschool! She looks so grown up! And we know exactly how you are feeling on that first day. It will get easier, I promise. Lots of people were kind of teasing me about being so worried about leaving Jackson at school. (Not Scott, but other people . . anyway,) One day Scott didn't have to go into work and so I invited him to come along and we could both take Jackson to school. Scott was really excited because that is something he doesn't get to participate in very much. Yes, he was all excited until we arrived and then actually had to leave Jackson there. By this time Jackson had been going to school for about 2 yrs already. I was fine with it. But as we walked away, minus a child, Scott muttered to me, "this just doesn't feel right at all." Poor guy! So we definitely know how you are feeling and you have all of our sympathies! Don't worry, it will get easier :)

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