Christmas Tree Hunting

"We're kicking off our fun old fashion family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols."

OK, we didn't take our front wheel drive sleigh, but we went with some friends in their 4wd truck up Bumblebee to look for a Christmas tree. Gracie was excited and enjoyed the entire trip. Also along on the trip were Kieth and Jackie Finkbeiner, their dog Lucy, Troy and Katie Braga, their dog Fletch, and Kieth's dad, Ted.

The scenery was absolutely wonderful as the snow from last week's storm was still blanketing the scene. We explored for some trees, then had some hot chocolate, and enjoyed the wonderful outdoors. In the end, we scored a couple of trees, and unlike the Griswolds, we had a saw to cut them down. See our gallery for more pictures.
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Dawni said…
oh my gosh!! i just read this blog. Im always telling Tony that I'm just like Clark Griswold. We HAVE to hunt the perfect 'embrace the frosty majesty of a winters morn"! LOL..glad to know that it runs in the family! LOL

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