Gracie's First Bike

Gracie got a big surprise Monday afternoon. Herb Kinsey and his Granddaughter Annika brought her a very cool Purple Princess bike complete with basket and training wheels. Annika had outgrown it and moved on to a bigger bike and wanted Gracie to have it. Gracie's eyes boggled! After an afternoon nap, we lowered the seat, tightened the training wheels, put Lambie in the basket and off Gracie went! 2 hours and one significant crash later we went in for a rest! I will post more pictures and video later!
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Dear Gracie,
I am so excited to see you ride your new bicycle! It looks so pretty and you can ride it so well!! I hope you will show Grandma Peterson and I how well you can ride it when we come to Kellogg very soon!
We love you so much and we are excited to see you and your Daddy and Mommy again!
With Love,
Grandpa Peterson
Anonymous said…
You write very well.

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