Happy Anniversary

I am writing this post on the eve of my parents' 36th Wedding Anniversary.Yep, 36 years together in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, in richer and poorer... We certainly experience all these things here on the Earth, as we are not perfect and that is not part of The Plan. I am very proud that my parents have been married for 36 years, but more importantly, I am thankful for each of them and what they have given to me all these years. The fact that they have remained married and faithful to each other is even more of a blessing and inspiration to me. Of course, growing up, I distinctly remember them giving of themselves so that I could have experiences that would help to shape me into the person I am today. Each day I find an abundance of blessings to be thankful for, and a great deal of them are the result of the love, care, devotion, and sacrifices they have made over the years. It seems like yesterday they were celebrating 10, 20, 25, and even 30 years of marriage. Time sure is fleeting and it is important that we take time each day to enjoy our family and friends and all the blessings associated with them.
Of course, now that I am a parent, all those things my Mom and Dad did for me take on a whole new meaning. Now I want to give so that my daughter can have those experiences. Thank you Mom and Dad and Happy Anniversary! We love you very much.


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